Artist: Ulfsdalir
Country: Germany
Label: Christhunt Productions
Formats: LP / CD
Year: 2003

Ulfsdalir is another rather obscure one-man band from Germany. This could sound a little misleading, because this is not YET another one-man project at all. On the contrary to be precise. Where many of those project bury themselves into obscurity, evilness and pure rawness, this band really has got something to offer. Quality to be exact, great quality. Unfortunately I couldn’t find much info on the band except for the country of origin and that the band started early 2003 or late 2002. The band released a split 7″ EP with Myrkwid and a lengthy one-track demo called “Baldurs Traum”, and this release which is something that balances between an EP and a full-length with 34 minutes on the clock when the last tunes fades. The mini CD version of this release is already sold-out and was limited to 666 copies only, right after it was re-released on a limited edition picture disc.

This release counts four tracks and an intro, which consist out of howling wolves. From the first tunes it is already clear to me that the band (although I’m aware there is just one man involved in Ulfsdalir) withdraw his influences from well-established Norwegian bands like Darkthrone for instance. Yet I can also name some newer bands that left their footprints in Ulfsdalir’s music, and then I think of a band like Clandestine Ablaze for instance. Another thing that I have to mention is that I have the idea that the tracks differ in age. On the one hand you have “Des Heidenvolkes Herr” and “Inival Dis Soehne” (which are respectively tracks two and five) and on the other hand “Grimnir” and “Die Esche Yggdrasil” (song three and four). I think those were recorded or written in a different space of time. For this first set of songs sound a little older and display a different approach of composing, which could be described as slightly more monotonous and less varied. While the second set of songs sounds more varied with different tempo changes. I like all tracks and the fact that they’re put in this order make it one solid piece of black art. Definitely one of the better German black metal releases of recent times!