Artist: Striborg
Country: Australia
Label: Displeased Records
Formats: CD
Year: 2007

Though quality labels like Southern Lord keep licensing Striborg releases for whatever other editions I still don’t get the buzz around this one-man project from Australia. I have to admit that this is better than anything I heard from this rather mystical person called Sin-Nanna. So, this review will differ quite a bit from the previous one. This album consists out of two different recordings that were previously released as two demo CDRs (back in 2002 and 2003 respectively), they were released separately in the years of their recordings and together 2003 by some underground label.

The first of two sets is “Nocturnal Emissions”, Sin-Nanna keeps his music in the same vein as all of his stuff and reminds me a lot of the late 90’s and early 00’s black metal scene. With a very obvious Burzum touch in both the fuzzy guitar sound as well as the sick vocals and a twist of that Swedish-like hallucinating and hypnotising way of riffing things together, this comes along very Scandinavian. If an accurate comparison is required, it balances somewhere between Burzum’s self titled debut and “Filosofem”-albums.

The second part of this release is “Nyctophobia”, and starts off with a very experimental intro called “Under Black Rain…”, a well-chosen title. The start of the first real song, “…Through The Dark Fog…” sounds really monotonous and rather dull, yet it improves by the minute. Yet, it never touches the height of the first session on this CD. Every now and then Sin-Nanna drops back to lower grounds, but overall this is also pretty acceptable.